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(Down Syndrome) A simple nutritional deficiency in the first 10 minutes of pregnancy.
One out of every 700 babies, out of the millions of babies that are born every year here in America, are born with down syndrome. Somebody needs to go to jail here folks. Totally unnecessary.
Now whether you agree with Sara Palin’s Politics or not she’s a very powerful woman. She’s the governor of Alaska. she was the vice president candidate for this United States for a very large party. And her OBGYN who monitored her pregnancy allowed her pregnancy to result in (I’m sure) a very nice child but with down syndrome. Trysomy 21, (Down syndrome) is not a genetically transmitted disease. Its a simple nutritional deficiency in the first ten minutes of pregnancy. When a woman misses two periods and then she goes on prenatal vitamins its two months too late. The first ten minutes of pregnancy- if you don’t have everything that baby needs- one out of every 700 babies out of the millions of babies that are born every year here in America 1 out of every 700 babies in this country are born with down syndrome. Somebody needs to go to jail here folks. Totally unnecessary.
Birth Defects Archives - The Wallach Revolution!
Q: I have a son that has grand mal seizures. Can you recommend anything for that:
A: Okay, well first of all, was your son born with these grand mal seizures? Yes, he was. He was born with it, he has hydrocephalus, cerebropalsy.
Okay, first of all cerebropalsy and hydrocephalus are what’s called a congential birth defect. These are caused by nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy. They can be a Zinc deficiency, Vitamin A deficiency, Copper deficiency, and it has two problems there, and it’s not unusual, because a deficiency of single nutrient can cause as many as 10 different diseases. So, your son unfortunately has a very common series of events here, and because the epilepsy, the congenital birth disorder is associated with these two congenital birth defects, the odds are the nutrition alone will not put the genii back in the bottle. And he might have to stay on an anti-seizure medication, such as dilantin or phenobarb forever. However, the thing that you have to be concerned with is almost all of these anti-seizure medications have a down side in that they deplete their bones and minerals. It’s not unusual for a 6 yr old or a 10 yr old to get arthritis or osteoporosis, noisy joints, and twitches and cramps, and loose teeth and receding gums and back problems and all the things that are associated with mineral deficiencies. So your child is a perfect candidate for the Pig Arthritis formula, simply because he is on dilantin, or another anti-seizure medication. Very important.
Does he weigh less than 100 pounds? Yes, he does. Okay, then I would give him a teaspoon of the Pig Arthritis formula per 20 lbs of body weight , if he weighs 40 lbs. you give him 2 teaspoons twice a day, if he weighs 60 lbs, 3 teaspoons or a tablespoon twice a day, and if he weighs 10 lb, you give him a half a teaspoon. So it depends what weight category he falls into. And again, there’s no reason he can’t live to be 100, and usually these youngsters with these types of congenital birth defects die of some nutritional deficiency disease. And so by giving him all 90 essential nutrients, you will extend his life enormously.
And it won’t hurt him in any way?
I love that question. No, absolutely not. It won’t hurt him.
Thank you!
You are welcome.
(A Healthier and Longer Life)
United States Senate Document #264: 99% Of The American People Are Deficient In Minerals! Mineral Depleted Farm Soils = Mineral Deficient Foods (Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy & Meat) = Mineral Deprived People = Diseases! For Additional Information Click Here!
Youngevity 77 Minerals 32 Oz - $21.95 Wholesale
1. The Problem - Disease!
2. The Cause - Mineral Deficiency!
3. The Solution - Minerals!
*Scientist and Noble Peace Prize recipients have discovered the source of all diseases! Thus Unlocking the solution for the prevention and reversal of all diseases!
*Micro nutrient Facts | Nutrition | CDC Center For Disease Control - Micro nutrients are dietary components, often referred to as vitamins and minerals, which are vital to development, disease prevention, and wellbeing. Deficiencies in micro nutrients can have devastating consequences. At least half of children worldwide ages 6 months to 5 years suffer from one or more micronutrient deficiency, and globally more than 2 billion people are affected. Page last reviewed: August 12, 2019
*Nobel Laureate, Dr Linus Pauling once stated, “You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency."
*As far back as 1936, the 74th Congress stated that, “99% of the American people are deficient in minerals, and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease. United States Senate Document #264
*77 minerals - Youngevity Plant Derived Minerals'
Our bodies need a steady stream of minerals many in trace amounts to function properly. Plant Derived Minerals are liquid concentrates containing up to 77 minerals from prehistoric plants in their unaltered colloidal form.
United States Senate Document #264: 99% Of The American People Are Deficient In Minerals! Mineral Depleted Farm Soils = Mineral Deficient Foods (Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy & Meat) = Mineral Deprived People = Diseases! For Additional Information Click Here!
*Kid's Toddy 2 To 12 Years Of Age
Kid's Toddy provides your growing child with a full spectrum of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytonutrients. It is specifically formulated for children ages 2 to 12 and provides the essential nutrients to support their development. It contains NO yeast, dairy, wheat, soy, gluten, starch or artificial flavorings. It also comes in an Outrageous Orange flavor that kids love!
United States Senate Document #264: 99% Of The American People Are Deficient In Minerals! Mineral Depleted Farm Soils = Mineral Deficient Foods (Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy & Meat) = Mineral Deprived People = Diseases! For Additional Information Click Here!
*Beyond Tangy Tangerine BTT - 90 For Life
United States Senate Document #264: 99% Of The American People Are Deficient In Minerals! Mineral Depleted Farm Soils = Mineral Deficient Foods (Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy & Meat) = Mineral Deprived People = Diseases! For Additional Information Click Here!
*Beyond Tangy Tangerine - BTT 2.0 Citrus Peach Fusion 480 G Canister
United States Senate Document #264: 99% Of The American People Are Deficient In Minerals! Mineral Depleted Farm Soils = Mineral Deficient Foods (Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy & Meat) = Mineral Deprived People = Diseases! For Additional Information Click Here!
Healthy Body Athletic Pak™ - Original
*Athletes need more than the 90 Essential Nutrients for optimal health. They need to maintain healthy bones & joints and have access to quick continuous energy for workouts and competitions. Includes Beyond Tangy Tangerine (1) Ultimate EFA Plus (1) Beyond Osteo-fx (1) Rebound fx 30ct Stick Pack (1) and Ultimate Gluco-Gel 120 Capsules (1).
United States Senate Document #264: 99% Of The American People Are Deficient In Minerals! Mineral Depleted Farm Soils = Mineral Deficient Foods (Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy & Meat) = Mineral Deprived People = Diseases! For Additional Information Click Here!
Healthy Body Athletic Pak™ 2.0
United States Senate Document #264: 99% Of The American People Are Deficient In Minerals! Mineral Depleted Farm Soils = Mineral Deficient Foods (Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy & Meat) = Mineral Deprived People = Diseases! For Additional Information Click Here!
*90 For Life - Healthy Body Start Pak with targeted nutrients!
Personalize your Healthy Body Start Pak with targeted nutrients to meet individual needs. We offer seven varieties of our Healthy Body Start Pak, each with additional supplements that support your health goals.
United States Senate Document #264: 99% Of The American People Are Deficient In Minerals! Mineral Depleted Farm Soils = Mineral Deficient Foods (Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy & Meat) = Mineral Deprived People = Diseases! For Additional Information Click Here!
*The Healthy Pet Combo Pak™
Comes with complete nutritional supplements that support optimal canine health. Includes: ArthryDex™ for bone and joint support and perPETual™ a powerful anti-aging detox blend.
In order for dogs to live a long healthy life they too need to be provided with adequate supplements for optimal health. The Healthy Pet Combo Pak™ includes perPETual™ an all-natural beef-flavored anti-aging canine supplement containing a powerful proprietary detox blend of botanicals which may help extend a canine's lifespan and ArthryDex™ a blend of vitamins amino acids and enzymes that support optimal canine bone and joint health.
United States Senate Document #264: 99% Of The American People Are Deficient In Minerals! Mineral Depleted Farm Soils = Mineral Deficient Foods (Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy & Meat) = Mineral Deprived People = Diseases! For Additional Information Click Here!
Is a complete nutritional supplement with vitamins amino acids and enzymes formulated to support healthy bones and joints in small and large animals.
SERVING RECOMMENDATIONS: For birds rodents and reptiles: use 1/4 scoop and sprinkle over food. For dogs cats and other animals up to 12 lbs: use 1/2 scoop. Animals 13 lbs to 24 lbs: give 3/4 scoop. Give 1 scoop per 25 lbs of animal's weight. Larger animals such as horses or llamas: give 1/2 cup per feeding up to 3-4 cups per week.
Dr. Wallach's Artyrdex contains 90 essential nutrients for your pets.
United States Senate Document #264: 99% Of The American People Are Deficient In Minerals! Mineral Depleted Farm Soils = Mineral Deficient Foods (Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy & Meat) = Mineral Deprived People = Diseases! For Additional Information Click Here!
Sirach 38:7-9 CEV Doctors relieve pain and bring healing by mixing medicines from things that God created. God will always be at work bringing health to everyone on earth. Students, if you get sick, quickly pray to the Lord, and you will be healed.
"There is a cure for every disease within nature. So much is lost in mankind's disregard for what is all around him.
I can fill the atmosphere with My Grace, but man must choose to respond wisely to it.
My Blessing rests upon those who look for My Provision and use it with My guidance."
January 11th 2018 God The Father At Holy Love...
Just as a healthy diet supports a healthy body - a good relationship with Me supports good choices in everyday life.
Dr. Joel Wallach - We can reverse diseases with nutrition!
Listen To Dr. Joel Wallach's Power Lecture - Dead Doctors Don't Lie! Click Here!
How Rockefeller Founded Modern Medicine And Killed Natural Cures!
The Flexner Report, which gave birth to modern medicine as we know it was based on this report, and more than half of all medical colleges were soon closed. Homeopathy and natural medicines were mocked and demonized; and doctors were even jailed. Read More!