The Church will soon be thrust into the middle of one of the most historic elections in American history. Joe Biden won nine states on Super Tuesday! CATHOLICVOTE.ORG.
So what’s at stake?
HERE’S THE DEAL: everything we are doing just became even more critical.
We may soon face the prospect of a national candidate for office who claims to be Catholic while supporting abortion on demand for all nine months. A “Catholic” who officiated a same-sex “wedding” as Vice President. A “Catholic” who fully supports the radical sexual revolution’s LGBT war on biology.
Joe Biden has played the “personally opposed” card for decades to fool voters -- especially Catholics. He’s a candidate who last year sold his soul to the abortion lobby by caving on the most basic decades-old compromise on taxpayer funding for abortion.
...and he’s a candidate who has been banned from receiving Communion.
Biden is gaffe-prone, creepy and corrupt...
But he will be a fierce competitor for Catholic voters, exploiting his Catholic identity -- especially in the Upper Midwest -- come November.
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