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Eucharistic Miracle in Cincinnati! Host Transforms Visibly Before Eyes of Many Witnesses! Click Here!
Many protestants talk about covering oneself in the blood of Jesus, which is very powerful.
But we Roman Catholics, who receive the Holy Eucharist worthy, meaning not in a state of mortal sin, receive the Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity of Jesus Christ into our hearts, mind, body & soul! We are so lucky.
1 Corinthians 11:27 & 30
27. But if you eat the bread and drink the wine in a way that isn't worthy of the Lord, you sin against his body and blood.
30. This is why many of you are sick and weak and why a lot of others have died.
Irish Priest Reports Extraordinary Eucharistic Miracle!
A Flying Host Escapes The Hands Of A Satanic Thief Trying To Steal The Host At Holy Communion During The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass! Witnesses Confirm! Never Before Seen! - YouTube 7 Minute Video! A Must Watch! Incredible! Click Here!
Many protestants talk about covering yourself in the blood of Jesus, which is very powerful.
We Roman Catholics that receive the Holy Eucharist Worthily, that means not in a state of mortal sin. We are so fortunate for The Holy Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, making our bodies Holy Tabernacles.
1 Corinthians 11:27 & 30
27. But if you eat the bread and drink the wine in a way that isn't worthy of the Lord, you sin against his body and blood.
30. This is why many of you are sick and weak and why a lot of others have died. Click Here!
Laminated Blessed Rose Petal Blessed by Jesus and Mary for Cures and Conversions! Click Here!
Laminated Blessed Rose Petal Blessed by Jesus and Mary for Cures and Conversions!
Laminated Blessed Rose Petal - Click Here!
Regular price - $0.25 EACH USD
Rose Petal Blessed by Jesus and Mary for cures and conversions at apparition site of Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers Shrine Flushing, New York.
On May 22nd, 1974, St Theresa appeared and said, "See the Queen of Heaven, the Mystical Rose. Know now that you will recognize the mystical rose petals. They will be sent throughout the world, for they are instruments of cures and conversion."
I’m telling you; I’ve seen so many miraculous cures and conversions passing out this Blessed Rose Petal that it’ll make one’s head spin. SERIOUSLY! shopping cart (